I am thinking about painting the inside of the cabinet in my living room. It looks too dark now and whatever I want to put inside of the cabinet, it don’t give me the look I have in mind.
What color do I have to choose? Browsing through my files to give me some inspiration, I came across some beautiful colors I could use to paint the inside of the cabinet.
My living room cabinet.
Choosing the right color depends on where the cabinet is placed (living room, dining room or kitchen) and of the dominating colors used in that room. Are the items you want to place inside functional or do you want them to dispose only as decorative accessories.
I might think I will go for a shade of orange.
Talk to you soon!
My vote goes for either the shades of gray or a milky version of orange/auburn. Such rich colors..both of them. Visit my post today…its all about decorating with orange! You might get some ideas. Love your room, which is already so beautiful, anything you do will be the crowning touch!
What fun….love to try it myself…helps set off the contents for sure.
It will be fun to see what you decide….I lean toward the aquas.
Ik zou een mooie grijs/witte tint uitkiezen…dat is rustig en chique.
which ever color you choose, Greet, will be lovely…you have such refined and elegant tastes…but I will be excited to see the results of your choice!!..it will be beautiful…
I like the pale blue from the latest pictures. Another ideia is to quilt tha inside of the cabinet with fabric. My mother do that with a beautiful silk and it looks gorgeous!
It's light on the outside…Mmmmmmmmm
Me? Bright color – pink, or lime or yellow or turquoise – I love orange, but it would look too much like the other wood tones.
How about wallpaper? Pick a bold print or fab grasscloth, and cover boards cut to fit inside. That way when you want to change it again you just remove the boards with the wallpaper on it. You could also do this with fabric – ticking, toile, damask – so many great choices Greet!
xo xo
I know what ever color you choose to use will be beautiful. Orange will really make your ancient vases stand out, such a wonderful collection. Have a wonderful week!
Hello Greet,
I like the look in the interior designed for Walda Pairon but, I am very sure that anyone that you choose for your house will be perfect,
I hope that you are spending a good week,
A thought provoking and inspiring post. So often, the little details make a room sing! Your living room makes me think of Chopin.
I have often painted the inside of cabinets, brings some color into the space. My website has quite a few examples. I love orange, or pink. Whatever you choose, you will love the color. Grand Idea+grand post.xxpeggybraswelldesign.com
I second your vote for orange…as I write this, I'm looking at a beautiful bunch of orange tulips that are opening up and stretching their stems in different directions. That's the shade!
If it were for me, I would do either aqua or celadon. But I don't know what is right for your specific decor.
Summer for Swede Collection
I would go for either a "Danish red" or some of Brigitte and Alain Garnier's cupboard colors, depend on the collection and/or if you leave the doors open…..
But there is no doubt for me that you will choose the perfect color!
Greetings from the Périgord
Love the orange, it is unexpected, and you have bricks in your fireplace.
Sounds gorgeous Greet….love the idea of a terracotta/orange shade…xv
Sorry, forgotten to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH
for visiting my blog and your lovely comments!
Very encouraging.
And thinking again about color for your cupboard:
Estate Emulsion 'Perphory pink' from Farrow&Ball is also a very pleasing color with a powdery effect. Looking forward to your final choice.
Without seeing the pictures…would have never thought about using orange. The pictures are beautiful! It would make a statement in the room. Can't wait to see what you choose.
Hello Greet, Depends on what you are planning to showcase inside your cabinet. What about Chinese Red? I also place portrait lights into my cabinets.
Have you ever tried Annie Sloan Chalk Paint? Gorgeous colours, creamy beautiful paint and no prep!! I have just started using it and I love it!
Go for orange. I love it! Hope you are well. Thanks for stopping by RHS.
Absolutely loving the gray and the orange will be beautiful…can't wait to see!!
Oooh, that melon is hard to resist, but the pin…………I can see why you are debating the possibilities! happy weekend. Xo
I can't wait to see what you decide. You have such wonderful taste. I love your creativity that is balanced with restraint. XO Mona
Yeah for orange!! You knew I was voting for that right?!
Bonjour Greet !
C'est une bonne idée de peindre l'intérieur du cabinet !
Ce sera plus gai et lumineux, l'orange sera chaud, mais un beau bleu
ferait aussi un contraste avec les flammes de la cheminée…
à bientôt,
Definitely black! Matte scale,perhaps you can grinde the corners at the fabulera for à more natural look..thanks for your info about ute house, i dont have the magasines left..:( but I guess I would understand the story anyway because My french is not sooo goodwill. Have à lovely day/ Marie
Dear Greet I have been charmed with your comment in MY BLOG …. I am very nice … very satisfied in my new house … that has Belgian influence great … thanks to you …. I inspired very much by BELGIAN PEARLS …. but I have a lot of work lately … and though I follow My Favorite BLOGS every day …. almost I do not have time to write comments…. Thank you for having remembered of my …. your always you are charming Berta
Ik denk ook dat het oranje kleur zeer mooi zou staan. De laatste foto's van Brigitte en Alain Garnier vind ik ook zeer mooi maar komt dan waarschijnlijk niet zo veel uit.
Uw cabinet room ziet er nu al zowiezo prachtig uit Greetje.
All you going to come up with is going to look wonderful! I love those light white washed or contrasting insides! Turquoise,pinks, ocker. Depending on the outside colors and the surroundings!
I love the gray or the blue/greens as a backdrop depending on the light in the room. I'm sure that whatever you decide will be fabUlous. You have incredibly wonderful style.
Warm Regards,
I love the orange too Greet! I look forward to seeing your cabinet's new color 🙂
I adore the idea of the pink! So feminine! But grey would also be charming!
I just found your blog and I am smitten! Thanks!
Een grijze kleur zal denk ik heel mooi staan,maar je hebt zelf zo'n goede smaak dat je er vast al uit bent.
Lieve groet
so pretty pics!
Take care,
Hi Greet,
How are you my friend. The orange will look amazing! I look forward to seeing it finished!
Have a lovely weekend.
Hugs, Cindy
Pumpkin, rust or light gray. But it better not be a pricey piece – or you should not touch it!
I am looking forward to following this project. Whatever you decide to do will be fantastic.
Almost weekend. I need some rest and a big glass of whiskey…
Happy weekend friend – to you and your family.
ox, Mon
Another vote for orange. I certainly think orange would be more interesting and lively than of other tones. Happy painting weekend.
Good choice. Actually, the only one I didn't care for was the pink. A little to wowie zowie. Hope you're doing well!
I can't help but choose grey. i just lobve the lookk of flat faded or dark intense grey
I say go for a bright pop of colour! orange
It's unexpected and wonderful!
The pictures are beautiful! It would make a statement in the room and I am very sure that anyone that you choose for the house will be perfect. Thanks for sharing pictures and ideas with us.
I am such a fan of painting the inside of a cabinet in a shade of aqua blue. I have a cabinet in my shop that is whitish/gray on the outside and blue/green on the inside with gilded accents–I could have sold it a thousand times, but I love it too much to let it go. Can't wait to see what you decide!