Dear readers,

It’s time to show you some pictures of our awakening garden.

Every year again I so enjoy to see the first trees, flowers and roses blooming and every year I take a lot of pictures.



I have always loved plane trees and the first tree we ever planted was this plane tree at the front of our home.

The Climbing Hydrangea feels very happy in this shaded corner at the front side of our home.

These pictures of the Wisteria on the side of our home I took a few days ago. In the meantime it has rained heavily again and it has lost almost all its flowers.

The braided branches at the bottom are so beautiful!

Our Rhododendrons are in full bloom.

Every now and then I bring a few of its beautiful colored flowers into the house.

Our grape vine on the back terrace is growing fast now!

And yes! Finally! Our first peony ‘Festina Maxima’ today!

The ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ and ‘Karl Rosenfeldt’ peonies will follow soon!

The ‘Snow White’ roses are always the first roses to bloom in our garden.

And almost at the same time, our beautiful ‘Aspirin’ roses start to bloom on both sides of our garden path.

‘Aspirin’ roses are very strong roses and you can enjoy them until the month of November. I love to make beautiful tiny bouquets from these beauties.

One of the French Bourbon roses I absolutely love is this ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’ rose.

Its color goes from white to cream, blushed with pink. This ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’ is excellent in warmer zones.

Another one of our beautiful antique roses I do love is the ‘Madame Isaac Pereire’ rose.

Isn’t it a beauty?


Within a few weeks, I will come back with pictures of the other roses in our garden.

I hope you enjoy your awakening garden as much as I do!



All pictures by me