A couple of days ago I told about the outbuilding in our garden. At that moment it was ready to place the roof.
Since yesterday the work is in progress!
I like to share these pics with you!
Another couple of days and the work will be finished!
A thatched roof, how cool is that! I have only seen one thatched roof in my life and that is in a small Dutch influenced town in Lynden, in the State of Washington, USA. It looks like something out of a fairy tale. I hope you post pics of the finished product, I know it will be very picturesque. Have a great day and thank you for commenting on my last entry. I am glad that you are enjoying good weather. Hugs, Cindy
Greet!!!! It looks wonderful, I am so happy to see these pictures
have a nice weekend!!!!
Greet, I am so glad to see that there are still workman who can do this. It will be lovely, I'm sure. I am so glad to have found your blog, and will be back for more visits.
Ik hoop dat je een gezellig weekend hebt.
xo Lidy
This reminds me of when I lived in Ireland. I was always in awe of the thatched roofs and the crews who made and reparied them. Lovely.
Just looks amazing–can't wait to see the finished result. How do you intend to use this enchanting place?
~ Jermaine ~
A thatched roof is so beautiful and fascinating to watch being crafted.
You are killing me, Greet!
This is so fantastic. Is there such a thing as roof envy?
This is why I love your blog. I don't think there is anywhere else where we could see a gorgeous thatched roof in the making.