Fire place in our living room.
In Belgium we feel the entry of fall! By day,temperature is good, about 19°C. But when evening comes, you can feel that temperature fells!
So tonight we decided to sit together around the fire place in our living room!
I love this time of the year feeling that winter is coming along!
I’m looking forward to spend winterevenings with my family, gathered around the fireplace!
I wish everyone a warm evening!
Hello Greet…always think of trails of smoke drifting in the cool fall air, past rows of auburn leaves…the fragrance of fall. Have a wonderful weekend. Trish
It is so delightful that this time of year has returned! Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Looks real cozy! Have a great weekend!!
Have a wonderful nite and a great weekend.
Julie in Holland 🙂
* Happy relaxing & rejuvinating "weekend-by-the-fire", Greet~~~ (And it's SUCH a BEAUTIFUL SPACE to be!!!)~
I so "envy" your cooler weather, the changing colors of the leaves on the trees, the need to throw on a little jacket before going outside… We're just happy HERE (in Arizona) that it's "cooled off" to be "only" in the MID 90's in the daytime!… (Nites ARE getting a TAD cooler, tho!)…
Linda in AZ *
Absolutely love your blog. Is it possible to have an english section on your website. Love to shop in France and am now excited to shop Belgium. Thanks laura
I'm so jealous! I wish we still had a wood burning fireplace.
Lucky you! It's a gorgeous fireplace by the way.
Greet = I would love to be there in front of your fireplace! so beautiful!
A perfect way to spend an evening or even a weekend!
Have a great weekend,
Leeann x
Fall is coming here too. The mornings are feeling a bit cold.
I really enjoyed your description of evenings around the fireplace. The picture looks so nice, your house must be a dream !
nice picture:-), i live in the centre of brussels so i have a fireplace but it has been blocked, one day i will also have one. Thanks for sharing this with us
Greet!! I love Fall too. Your fireplace is beautiful & what a wonderful spot to sit & relax.
I just love the feeling in the air right now!! Have a beautiful weekend!!!
We are also having sunny days but very cool nights but our fireplace is gas so it is not as romantic as yours.
That is such a lovely room and so cozy! Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs, Cindy S.
So cozy, just where we want to be now! Love it!
I can feel the warmth.
Wishing you a lovely weekend Greet!
I love your fireplace. When I walked downstairs this morning my husband had the fireplace in the kitchen going… I literally gasp, as it was the first time we've had it lit and it was lovely! I too love this time of year!
Such a cozy place. Have a great weekend together around this cozy fire. ~ Sarah
Hi Greet
This looks warm and inviting and somewhere I'd love to curl up with a book if autumn or winter was on my doorstep. Here in Australia we are just coming into Spring so I have the summer to look forward to. Have a wonderful Sunday. Julie
Gorgeous Greet, it won't be long before we have the fire on here too, xv.
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