Hello my friends,
Summer break is over for me. Back on track!
I hope you all have had a great holiday! To all those who are still on holiday, I would say, ‘enjoy it to the fullest!’.
Recent weeks, we have had really hot weather here in Belgium.
Actually, I did not expect these continued hot temperatures and since we did not travel this summer, I had planned all kinds of things, such as taking care of some rooms in our house and to have them redecorated before the end of this summer break.
But, I didn’t get to it just because it was so very hot!! (for which we are of course very grateful – except our plants and our lawn that are crying out for rain!). So we lived much more outside than inside our home. We so enjoyed spending days and evenings in our garden.
View from the garden path to our back terrace.
Our garden house, where we love to spend time in the shade.
Although we water our roses from time to time, they are having a very hard time with the unusual drought this summer.
And yet they do the best they can to make me happy! Each of all different types of our garden roses are so very beautiful and I absolutely love bringing a few roses inside. Enjoying the smallest things in life!!!
Yesterday evening I came in with these beauties! A bunch of different roses. A Baronne de Rothschild rose, an Honorine de Brabant rose, a Madame Isaac Pereire rose, a Souvenir de la Malmaison rose, an Ulrich Brunner rose, a Catherine Deneuve rose, a Meilove rose and an Aspirin rose.
This made my day!
Below a few pictures of some of these roses seen in our home decor.
Baronne de Rothschild rose
Souvenir de la Malmaison rose
Meilove rose
Aspirin rose
As I told you, I had planned to give some rooms in our house a refresh during our holiday break, but I only made it to the redecoration of our kitchen.
I bought a few ‘Adiantum Fragrans’ plants, as the one seen here on our kitchen counter top. I love its fresh green, small tiny leaves!
Attention! This plant is toxic to pets!
Lemon balm on our kitchen table.
Redeco of the other rooms will follow later, when temperatures are milder. 🙂
Talk to you soon!
All pictures by me.
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