9On both sides of the frontdoor, we placed a tree without ornaments. I do love the natural look of the Christmas trees.


2On a table in our garden : a lantern, antlers, some pine tree branches and pine cones.


3A pine branch on the wall of the orangery.


1White candles, pine branches and cones in the fire place of the dining room.


5This year we installed the Christmas tree in our dining room. Christmas lights are the only decoration.


8Very simple and very cozy, this decoration in the kitchen.


7A bunch of mistletoe next to the cupper pans.


4A touch of Christmas decoration on a table at the entry.


10Candles, pine branches and cones on the mantle in our living room.


6So far this year’s Christmas decoration!

If you might be interested in my Christmas decoration of last year, click here.

Talk to you soon !



All pictures by me.