First and foremost, I hope you, your family and your beloved ones are all keeping well!
Most of us are in a situation of being secluded, more or less physically isolated from the outside world. Our social life is temporarily sacrificed. The Covid-19 pandemic is infiltrating every aspect of our life.
Fortunately, we live in an age where communicating with others is easy, thanks to all social networks.
That is why I would love to share with you today some pictures that show first signs of spring in our garden!
All pictures are taken by me, this afternoon.
We all need to find a way to keep ourselves busy, so Jan and me are planning to do a lot of work in our garden the next days, in preparation of summertime.
I do hope these pictures may bring you some joy.
Climbing Hydrangea at the front façade of our house, showing its fresh Spring leaves.
I so enjoyed the afternoon sun when walking along our garden path today.
Our pot planted apple trees showing first signs of blossom.
The Hellebore flowers showing their faded, but oh so beautiful colours.
What a gorgeous feeling it is to hear the birds singing their early Spring song!
Can’t wait to see our Aspirin roses growing!!!
Hydrangeas start to bloom.
Isn’t it just wonderful to notice these first signs of Spring?!
Let us enjoy the small things in life! Today more than ever!
I brought a few plum blossom branches from our orchard inside.
Dear friends, take care of yourself, your loved ones and those who need you.
Be mindful of the people around you. Be helpful to the people in need.
On my turn I will try to keep bringing you some colour in these gloomy times.
Together we’ll find a way through these difficult times.
Sending you all my warmest virtual hugs!
All pictures by me
It is so lovely to see the earth come alive. I enjoyed your pictures!!!
Here in Iowa,USA everything is still dormant. I planted bulbs in the fall and they have not peeked through the ground. As we moved our house and added on to it last year, our gardens are not established. Currently we are not venturing out, except to get medication (from a drive up window) tomorrow. Our daughter is picking up a few groceries.
Keep safe,
Hi Rebecca, than you so much for your comment! What an anxious time we are currently living in! Indeed, stay at home as much as possible!
Take care, Greet
Dear Greet, thank you very much for your words and photos full of hope. It´s a hard time now, so we all need to know that the spring will come again. I´ve been following your blog for ages, it´s always my moment of calm. So thank you very much for it. You do great thing. Many greetings from Prague, CZ. Klara.
Dear Klara,
Thank you so much for your heartwarming comment! So very appreciated! You made my day! My warmest regards,Greet
Dear Greet,
Thank you for the beautifull pictures and the lovely words.Take care for yourself and your loveones.
Dag Marleen en René, dankjewel voor het mooie berichtje! Doet deugd!
Draag daar ook goed zorg voor elkaar! Warme groetjes! Greet
Thank you for the beautiful pictures!
Thank you for your nice comment dear Jeanene!
Dear Greet, your beautiful photos brightened my day! Here in Nebraska we like Iowa are still feeling the chill of winter. Your photo’s give us hope of the beauty spring brings! Thank you for posting, it really is a joy to receive your posts!
How sweet of you to write this so very kind comment! You made my day! Sending love to you in Nebraska! Greet
Dear Greet,
Greetings from the Low Country of South Carolina, Hilton Head Island specifically!
Hadn’t checked out your blog for a while…how refreshing to return to it today! Especially given our current circumstances worldwide! I just shared your blog on Facebook as I think everyone needs an uplift. Am looking at your gorgeous photos of your garden … what a wonderful and soothing tonic they are!
Thanks again for all you do to make us whole!
Lots of love and wishes for continued good health to you and your family.
Terry Graves
Hello Terry,
Thank you so much for your nice comment! So wonderful to hear you revisited my blog! And thank you so much for sharing my post on FB! Much appreciated!
Sending love to you and your family! Keep safe! Greet
The blossoming spring reminds us that life is stronger, and even after a harsh winter it returns with full force. May we all have that strength too. Stay well, stay strong.