First of all I want to thank everyone for all the lovely Christmas Wishes I received! So nice reading all of these nice words and wishes!
I do hope that you all enjoy a wonderful Holiday time!
Tomorrow Jan’s daughter Nele and her family will arrive to spend some time with us. So we are preparing their stay.
We will celebrate New Year’s Eve together! So we are looking forward to their arrival.
I might think we will spend a lot of time gathering around the fire place and watching Alexa and Tristan open their presents which are still under the Christmas tree. And we will certainly go for a walk in our neighbourhood, do some horse riding,…etc.
And yes of course we will prepare a wonderful New Year’s Eve dinner!
A precious time together with family!
Jan and me give everyone of you our best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Succesful 2012!!!!!
Have a happy time with your family, Greet!
It sounds like a great plan! The collage picture is beautiful…
I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
Congratulations, Belgian Pearls looks elegant and very chic!!
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve Greet
Greet, sounds like the perfect way to pass the time. Nothing like quality time with family and loved ones!
Enjoy it..and iwshing you all the very best in 2012!!
I SEND YOU MY FONDEST WISHES GREET for a lovely NEW YEAR and a prosperous one!
You have been so kind, so inspirational and a wonderful friend.
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!! Anita
With much appreciation of your friendship and encouragement!!
Wishing you all the best in 2012
Art by Karena
I'm so thrilled to know that you are spending time with your family and loved ones this holiday season. I wish we could be there with you!
I treasure our friendship and look forward to sharing another year with you.
Wishing you, Jan and your family continued success and happiness in 2012.
What a perfect plan for the coming week. The holidays are all about family and I'm sure Nele and her family are looking forward to spending time with you and Jan. Visiting you here is always a visual delight. Wishing you and yours the most marvelous New Year!
Dear Greet,
Wishing you good health, happiness and success in 2012. May all your dreams come true.
Helen xx
The week between Christmas and New Year is ideal for family reunion and homecomings. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You are so blessed to have such a lovely family to spend the Holidays with! What a beautiful life!
Happy Holidays!
Happy 2012 to you too!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year together.
Greet, your collage is such a lovely look at a happy family. Wishing you all a truly wonderful 2012 love Julienne xxx
Greet, I am wishing you and yours a 2012 full of joy, health and peace.
Enjoy the week Greet and all your family and looking forward to reading your blog in the new year and sharing fun
fay xxx
Thank you !
I wish that you will have a wonderful, good and fantastic year of 2012 !
What a wonderful way to ring in the new year! (I love your new header, by the way). All the best to you in the new year Greet!
I couldn't think of a better way to spend the weekend! Here's to a healthy and successful 2012!
Forgot to mention…
Love your new blog header!
Dear Greet! The pictures are lovely – thank you for sharing them with us.
Have a lovely time with your guests. I hope all your new year's wishes come true.
Happy 2012 to you and yours!
xx Charlotta
Pour toi aussi tous mes voeux de bonheur à partager en famille!
Mille bisousss, jolie Greet…
Happy New Years to you, my sweet friend.
Love and hugs, Cindy
What a beautiful collage…wishing you all the best in the New Year, Greet!!
Happy New Year Greet…wishing you and your family the best. XO, Mona
Dear Greet,
This will be my last comment of the year.
Thank you for all your endless inspiration and for your friendship. I adore you!
I will be going to Sweden end of January. Perhaps I should plan for a layover in Belgium? Meeting you – even for just a few hours – how fun would that be!
Love to you and yours,
¡¡Felíz Año Nuevo Dahhling!!
Happy New Year, dear Greet!
I love the new look on your blog – so beautiful – like everything you do!
Thank you for all the beauty and inspiration that you share, it makes the world that much brighter and lovely.
xo isa