‘Young learned, old done!’
I do hope that a lot of our Belgian companies of craftsmen will survive for many more generations!
Marie and grandfather Henri
Marie is the daughter of Geert and Veronique, the owners of the Belgian furniture company MALVINI.
Following in her father’s footsteps, Marie would be the third generation of furniture makers.
Anthony and grandfather Jacques (1999)
Anthony is my son and Jacques is my dad. Belgian company of cabinet-makers LEFEVRE INTERIORS.
If Anthony would make plans to join me in business within a few years, he could run the business for the 5th generation.
Jef runs the business for the sixth generation!!!
Jef runs together with his father Eddy the Belgian company, that creates exquisite front doors, ATELIER SCHRAUWEN.
I do hope that I will be able to add more pictures of grandfathers with grandchildren in future.
If anyone of you do know a Belgian company of craftsmen or artists, of which the current owner is running the business for the third generation (or more), please let me know. And I would be very pleased to receive a picture of grandfather or grandmother, with grandson or granddaughter!
Blijkbaar zit het bij deze en jouw familie(s) in de genen of is het enthousiasme zo aanstekelijk dat de passie vanzelf overwaait! Mooi om het in de familie te kunnen houden!
Een fijne avond gewenst, Greet! Lieve groet, Ingrid
i hope your son will continue the grand tradition!
love to you.
I love the thought that the traditions that made the company successful are carried on by those that grew up with it.
Beautifully done Greet!
The photos are beautiful! I love the intergenerational connection. We do not have many family businesses of the type you showed here in the United States. It is a shame, but true craftsmanship here is rare. Keep up your traditions!
Hello Greet,
Family is the most importend thing in live. It's lovely to see al this generations. It's verry "touchant"
Maybe one day, you can make a blogspot about the work of the 4 generation of levefre interiors.
Sleep well
Geweldig! Ik hou ook van traditie en tradities. Vakmanschap wordt doorgegeven van generatie op generatie en gelukkig maar, want veel ambachten en ambachtelijk werk zijn/is in de loop der jaren toch al verloren gegaan, denk ik.
What a beautiful thing to see!
Now that is a wonderful thing to see and share. I love stories like this and it seems ore prevalent in Europe than the U.S. we should be taking notes!! What a beautiful thing to see one generation pass on a time honored tradition of fine craftshmanship to the next…..a wonderful way to keep families united. This is so wonderful!
What a wonderful post! I don't know about Belgian companies but I do know that the cabinet company that built our cabinets is being run by the third generation of men. I think it's wonderful to see a trade like this being handed down from generation to generation. I hope your son does join you, what a great opportunity for him.
Have a fabulous week my friend.
Hugs and love, Cindy
This is truly precious in every way!
Thank you for sharing. I am leaving with a big smile.
I've always thought it wonderful when traditions got passed down but a whole business/trade…it doesn't get much better.
Aww this is so touching, Greet! Thanks for sharing this with us!
I seriously think this is one of the best things in live! A family generations working together, passing knowledge and craft. Beautiful! Thank you for bringing up this subject, Greet.
Ha Greet, ik zag dat je weer even op mijn blog was geweest. Ik zal eens kijken of ik de subscribe by email widget kan inschakelen, dan hoef je niks meer te missen : -)
Liever groet, Hennie
Greet, I love your photos of what inspires you and I love the photos of the work you company does. It is however, the people that are the most important. My father did not have a company to hand to me but he did teach me woodworking and cabinet making. His tools, now mine, I treasure but still use. I have my dad's woodworking tools and my grandfather's gardening tools. Those are my evening and weekend hobbies. They are gone but still close as I remember them when using their tools. Yes, family and people – that is what is important. Thank you for this special story.
I loved this post, Greet and found it very moving! Just think about how different the world would be, how more solid the economy would be, how much stronger communities could be if more families instilled a business or trade with their children. In France I see so often how many of today's youth are just lost without any idea of what direction they should take, what can they do? They are in sore need of a sense of direction and possibility. In your case, even if your son decides not to work with the family business, he will at the very least have grown up seeing how it was run and that it is possible to build, to expand. Bravo for all you do, friend!
Bon weekend!!!
Oh..dit vind ik leuk om te zien en te lezen. Prachtig toch, dat van generatie op generatie een mooie traditie wordt voortgezet.
Heel interessant. Jullie hebben toch maar een mooi familiebedrijf in stand weten te houden! Geweldig.
Ben benieuwd wat je nog allemaal laat zien. Heel fijn om elke dag even je blog door te nemen!
Bedankt voor je lieve commentaar op mijn blog, ik kan dit zo waarderen.
Fijn weekend!
How fabulous, I adored this post. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com
The connection to family over time is one of my most cherished thoughts and feelings. That is why I go back to the Adirondack Mountains every year to where our family has camped since the 1930's.
For you to be able to see and live this is truly incredible.
Such pride you and these other families must have in what you do and for each other.
All the wonderful PR you give them and everything you do for Belgian design in general, certainly helps! You are the best Ambassador!
And as far as your own company, how amazing it would be if Anthony keeps the family tradition going. Perhaps my children can be his customers! Now think about that! (:
Busy, busy over here. I promise an e-mail will come shortly.
Happy weekend to you my friend.
Greet I saw the picture of your son and father on Facebook and my heart just smiled!
It's wonderful when passion for the craft is passed on from one generation to the next – the ultimate form of flattery and love don't you think. It is a rare thing these days and so humbling to see these images.
Thank you for sharing and have a lovely weekend.
Big hugs from Sweden
x Charlotta
This is such a nice post! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of the children with their grandfathers – wonderful.
Yes, I like the thought of passing on the knowledge to other generations. Then the wonderful craftmanskip will live on.
I hope I can send you some pics of me and my daughter Kirby one day! That would be wonderful! xo Leslie
HI Sis!
This was such a sweet post…. All of your family seems so happy and proud of their heritage…. I am sure there will be a LeFevre Interiors around for generations to come. AND in no small part because you have PUT LEFEVRE INTERIORS AT THE WORLD'S FRONT DOOR by spending hours introducing the world to Belgian Design….I am enjoying your pictures on your side bar as much as your blog!!!!!!! Best to all of you Maryanne And Robes. xo
What a delight to read this post…..how lovely of you to present these master craftsmen and their grandchildren. Very special Greet.
There is a wonderful continuity in following one's family tradition and learning the business from one's parents. Alas my sons have no interest in my business!! Beautiful sweet post.
Dearest Greet
As expected, your sharing of things that go beyond the creative is just incredible. Belgian Pearls always has so much love to give……what a beautiful and unique posting. Greet is just so special and that is why she has so many loyal fans out there from all over the world. xxx thank you Greet xxx sherie in cape town
Oh, heel mooi om te zien. Hopelijk blijft het bedrijf in de familie, want vakmanschap dat wordt doorgegeven van vader op zoon/dochter blijft toch iets speciaal. Ik kijk al uit naar nog meer foto's van zulke ambachtsgeneraties!
this is what it’s all about !